As of publication, there are 42 confirmed COVID-19 Deaths in York Region, with 883 confirmed cases total. We know that these numbers will rise before we flatten the curve. Being in the funeral business, we always want to help members of our community during this very difficult time. Our new…
By now you have likely heard of COVID-19 or the novel coronavirus and the measures the public and private sectors are taking to contain it. The coronavirus causes a respiratory illness - not unlike that flu - that in severe cases can cause pneumonia. It's highly contagious and effects vulnerable…
While at present, most funeral homes and cremation centres offer two burial options - cremation and burial. But for residents of Washington State, there will soon be a third option. Governor Jay Inslee just signed a new piece of legislation into law that allows for "aboveground decomposition." Making it the…
Earlier this month there was a trending story about a women's unique obituary. When first reported, it was said she wrote the incredibly humourous obituary herself, but it was later corrected that it was her children who penned it. Previously, we posted a blog about how to write a traditional…
Every day we are faced with stories about over-population, climate change, carbon footprints, pollution and the overall impact humans have on earth. It's a lot to think about. To respond, there have been some changes made by the funeral and burial industry regarding how human remains are returned to the…
While there is no guide book for handling grief, a recent article in The New York Times (Oct 12, 2018) attempts to shed some light on the subject. The piece, titled "A Handbook for Grieving" by Caroline M. Grant, deals with the months, week and days leading up to the death…