If you in self-isolation or practicing social distancing, you might be feeling lonely and a bit sad or depressed. This is normal. Many people in our community are scared for their loved ones, particularly seniors either living alone or in long-term care facilities. You cannot visit them, and you fear that they could be vulnerable to COVID-19. Some of you may have lost a loved one during this time and cannot properly grieve because your isolated. You might even be upset that you cannot have a proper funeral at this time. All of these feelings are normal. Many people share your same fears and concerns.
Because we’re all in this together, we want to provide you with tips for getting through this very serious situation.
Surviving Self-Isolation
Socialize while Social Distancing
Just because you have to social distance doesn’t mean you cut off all human contact. We are so fortunate to have many communication tools at our fingertips. See if the nurses at the long-term care facility can set up a video chat with your loved one, chat with your friends on your phone, tablet or computer, or pick up the phone and talk.
You can also go old-school and mail a letter or card to tell someone you miss them, or Happy Birthday or just to thank them for being a friend.
While it’s important to stay up-to-date on all coronavirus related news, it’s just as important to shut it off sometimes. Stay off technology for a bit by reading a book, cooking or baking, or working on an arts and crafts project. Put on some music and knit rather than having the TV on.
Go Outside
If you have a backyard or a balcony, you can self-isolate while still going outside. If you’re not mandated to self-isolate, you can go for a walk alone or with members of your household. If you have a dog, take it for a walk. Just remember when walking, give others 6-feet of space when passing. This is social distancing. You can get exercise and fresh air without endangering others. This doesn’t mean you cannot say hello or wave to a neighbour from afar.
Recognize why you’re doing this
Another way to feel better while in self-isolation is to acknowledge your role in fixing this global health crisis. By staying away from others you are helping to flatten the curve, thus slowing the spread of COVID-19. This is a small sacrifice for the greater good.
If you are Grieving
If you are grieving a loss during this crisis and aren’t coping well while self-isolating, there are some things you can do. There are apps you can use to access remote councilling services to help you through it.
If you cannot plan a funeral at this time, reach out to the team at Chapel Ridge Funeral Home and Cremation Centre to learn more about your options.
According to the Ontario Government’s list of essential services, we are essential. We are here for you during your time of need.
Take care and stay healthy!